Dec 9, 2007

It's my lunch break now and I've been surfing up on some old friends blogs and trying to read up on their life. I do feel a tinge of nostalgia especially when I see how much we have changed. I don't think I will recognise them if i pass them on the street and neither do i think they will recognise me.
Which is really kind of sad cause I've never been very good with the whole best friends forever kind of thing. I'm irritable, short tempered and sometimes just plain annoying. I have little patience especially with incompetence, definitely.
I guess this is why the friends that i DO manage to hold for long are people I would stick with come hell or high water. I am thankful to all of you and I do hope that we can stay like this.
I remeber the days of Primary School where we were all in Blue Shorts and Yellow Shirts and we were are round and cuddly cute. It seems a lifetime ago but that was when I seriously looked forward to school where we played catching during recess and ate Jelly that cost 20 cents for lunch.
Miraculously, I still remember my Primary school teachers especially a Ms Teo during Primary 3 which planted the budding seeds of anger and angst into me. She gave me hell, oh yeah.

I just thought that all I can think about my past life is school, school and more school related activities. My mother always tells me of how she had so much fun out of school and when its my turn I don't have any such recollection. Bloody hell.

I think Up Against The Wall by Boys Like Girls is one of my favourite songs now and I have looped it in my ipod for the past half an hour.
Ok I have 20 mins of lunch left. bye.

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